Ever thought of putting a QR Code on a listing? What is a QR Code you ask?
QR codes were originally designed to track auto parts during assembly back in the early ninties. They appear as small, black and white blocks that can upload information quickly after being scanned.
With so many of our buyers, sellers, and REALTORS, out there making excellent use of there smartphones, these codes could be used to enhance your listings, MLS, and marketing tools.
Why would you need one? Well here are a few ideas:
1. LAWN SIGNS: By placing the QR Code on your sign riders you will be providing potentially the hottest leads; those driving around looking for homes to buy, with all of the information needed about that property instantly. Price, interior photos and community info are typically things that a lawn sign does not provide and by making use of a QR Code, you are really giving the consumer what they want, when they want it.
2. WEBSITES: Draw potential buyers to a website, whether it's your personal website or the one for that awesome builder of a new subdivision.
3. BUSINESS CARDS: I can see a lot of realtors going about this one the wrong way. You won't want to redirect your potential client to another site from your business card that gives the exact information (like your personal website.) Instead, lead them to a YouTube video, perhaps, that starts off by saying, "Thank you for taking the time to scan that QR Code. Now check out a video of one of my latest listings."
4. DIRECT MAIL: Again, from here you can send them in several directions: videos of listed homes, websites, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
Are you starting to see the potential? QR Code generators are easy enough to find on the web if you do a simple Google search. So what are you waiting for? Try one out and see how quickly your information spreads!
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